Club Constitution

WACC Constitution effective 25 May 2020

The Associations Incorporation Act 2015 commenced 1 July 2016. Key features of the new law are Associations must review and update their rules as well as introducing a number of changes regarding:

  • financial reporting,
  • governance,
  • privacy,
  • the rules, 
  • becoming incorporated and
  • membership of incorporated associations

The West Australian Car Club (Inc) completed the required actions during 2017, well ahead of the 30 June 2019 deadline, and during the 2020 Annual General Meeting passed Special Resolutions to update the club constitution. The 2020 changes include:

  1. To reflect the change in name of CAMS Limited to the "Confederation of Australian Motor Sport, trading as Motorsport Australia" and to update the title of the "CAMS State Delegate" to "Motorsport Australia State Delegate".
  2. To include the title of President to replace Chairperson where chairperson means the Committee member holding office as the chairperson of the Association, and Vice President to replace Deputy Chairperson. The term chairperson will be used and means the person presiding at a meeting which may be the 'President' or 'Vice President' or another committee member as provided for in the constitution. The WACC has used the term President from incorporation in 1932 until the constitution made effective on 30 November 2017. The committee believes the historical value of maintaining the term 'President' is as significant as the maintenance of the club colours (Black and Yellow-gold), the club badge and "Western Motoring" which is the official journal of the WACC.
  3. To remove the need for a new member to have an existing member's nomination and signature on the application form. Resolution 3 removes the need for an existing member's nomination and removes the need for the committee to consider one-day memberships.
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